App monetization through advertisements

I was reading through the pro version of gamesalad and am currently testing the gamesalad beta application for windows and a curious idea popped into my head.
To monetize your apps and make money using ads you have to purchase the $300 a month pro subscription. Wouldn't it be beneficial for gamesalad to allow users who wish to publish apps for android and display ads for profit inside of their apps who don't have the money up front to allow gamesalad creators to still publish for android and apple devices AND allow them to display ads for profit where gamesalad recieves a cut of that revenue?
Picture this, most people i know who use game salad are novice programmers who want to make apps but don't have the ability to do so without software like gamesalad.
Majority of major programmers work for companies using html5, java, whatever, to create apps either charge for apps or already incorporate advertisement into their apps without the use of game salad. Personally I don't have the money to throw down $300 to see how well the development for android applications is working, or how much revenue i will receive from using your ad services. My guess is that most people using gamesalad cannot create games on their own without your software...
Why not allow us to make a profit while making you a profit simultaneously. If you were to allow us to create applications for both platforms and utilize revenue services like displaying ads inside of applications from free accounts you could work out a system where Gamesalad receives say 75% of revenue from ads from free account creators, and said creators receive 25% for the advertising. That way not only do creators reach double the audience for the ads by being on both major platforms increasing profit from those views, but game salad simultaneously makes profit by allowing novice creators the chance to develop and publish to both platforms.
The end game to my rant is this: Gamesalad makes money by allowing all free accounts to use ad revenue services and publish for both android and apple. Keep your $300 fee for pro services BUT by allowing us novice designers to make some sort of profit on BOTH platforms since we already pay apple and google developer fees to begin with once we have made enough profit from our 25% while you have already been making 75% from the free accounts using ad services, we can purchase the 300$ pro version and retain 100% of our revenue from ads.
Free users developing for both platforms will generate more revenue from ad placement increasing the profit gamesalad makes. Even if those apps are horrible from people who can't afford the $300 having that many more people download horrible apps that display ads you still make money.
Android is known for free applications while everyone on apple wants to charge $.99 because we have to pay 100 a year to even put an app on the app store. Not allowing users to create android apps take away over half of the profit gamesalad COULD be making by opening up both platforms availability for publishing without the pro fee.
Allow us to create for both platforms and take your profit by allowing us to use ad services while you get revenue from our works while allowing us to profit at the same time.
Once we can afford to buy a pro version i guarantee people would do it if it means they get to keep all money from ad revenue. I sure as hell would.
Thanks for reading my rant.
To monetize your apps and make money using ads you have to purchase the $300 a month pro subscription. Wouldn't it be beneficial for gamesalad to allow users who wish to publish apps for android and display ads for profit inside of their apps who don't have the money up front to allow gamesalad creators to still publish for android and apple devices AND allow them to display ads for profit where gamesalad recieves a cut of that revenue?
Picture this, most people i know who use game salad are novice programmers who want to make apps but don't have the ability to do so without software like gamesalad.
Majority of major programmers work for companies using html5, java, whatever, to create apps either charge for apps or already incorporate advertisement into their apps without the use of game salad. Personally I don't have the money to throw down $300 to see how well the development for android applications is working, or how much revenue i will receive from using your ad services. My guess is that most people using gamesalad cannot create games on their own without your software...
Why not allow us to make a profit while making you a profit simultaneously. If you were to allow us to create applications for both platforms and utilize revenue services like displaying ads inside of applications from free accounts you could work out a system where Gamesalad receives say 75% of revenue from ads from free account creators, and said creators receive 25% for the advertising. That way not only do creators reach double the audience for the ads by being on both major platforms increasing profit from those views, but game salad simultaneously makes profit by allowing novice creators the chance to develop and publish to both platforms.
The end game to my rant is this: Gamesalad makes money by allowing all free accounts to use ad revenue services and publish for both android and apple. Keep your $300 fee for pro services BUT by allowing us novice designers to make some sort of profit on BOTH platforms since we already pay apple and google developer fees to begin with once we have made enough profit from our 25% while you have already been making 75% from the free accounts using ad services, we can purchase the 300$ pro version and retain 100% of our revenue from ads.
Free users developing for both platforms will generate more revenue from ad placement increasing the profit gamesalad makes. Even if those apps are horrible from people who can't afford the $300 having that many more people download horrible apps that display ads you still make money.
Android is known for free applications while everyone on apple wants to charge $.99 because we have to pay 100 a year to even put an app on the app store. Not allowing users to create android apps take away over half of the profit gamesalad COULD be making by opening up both platforms availability for publishing without the pro fee.
Allow us to create for both platforms and take your profit by allowing us to use ad services while you get revenue from our works while allowing us to profit at the same time.
Once we can afford to buy a pro version i guarantee people would do it if it means they get to keep all money from ad revenue. I sure as hell would.
Thanks for reading my rant.
Best Answer
JustMe74 Posts: 542
My game has been live for less than 3 days and I've already earned back the cost of GS and then some.
But I can offer you some relief and say that gamesalad pro is only $300/yr , not month. That's right the cost for pro is less that %10 of what you initially thought!
And get back to the topic - 299 USD a year is like a steal - most of indie devs will make those money back in no time.
@JustMe74 how did you make all that money back? Which ads did you use?
User retention and getting a lot of people to download at $4 eCPM it's around 25000 2 minute game plays
If you can raise your eCPM to $7 that will happen a lot quicker, maybe it's something to do with user retention and game genre.