Cross referencing other attributes (GS Creator~beta Windows version)

Hi All, I am a beta tester for the windows version of GS on Win7.
I found as i was building a couple of different procedures and physics in GS creator that once you want to retrieve a global constant from a different actor (object) or control actors that one actor cannot access other global constants and place holder actors, for example when creating a score system you need the control actor to log and keep track of the score , however it is not possible 'yet' to get constants (integer:Point/cash quantity) from other actors on the scene and allocate to a global score actor. Usually from watching the videos by GS and TSB's tutorials this is done by selection 'game.globally_defined_constant.Integer_Value' in the attribute menu but this is not visible and hopefully this will be sorted in the final build release soon. Hope this helps the developers, let me know if any one else is having the same issues or found a workaround. Anyway really love the product very dynamic and versatile if you are imaginative enough so thank you GS.
I found as i was building a couple of different procedures and physics in GS creator that once you want to retrieve a global constant from a different actor (object) or control actors that one actor cannot access other global constants and place holder actors, for example when creating a score system you need the control actor to log and keep track of the score , however it is not possible 'yet' to get constants (integer:Point/cash quantity) from other actors on the scene and allocate to a global score actor. Usually from watching the videos by GS and TSB's tutorials this is done by selection 'game.globally_defined_constant.Integer_Value' in the attribute menu but this is not visible and hopefully this will be sorted in the final build release soon. Hope this helps the developers, let me know if any one else is having the same issues or found a workaround. Anyway really love the product very dynamic and versatile if you are imaginative enough so thank you GS.
The reason i had difficultly with this is because the new layout of the beta windows GS Creator is relatively different to that of GSC for the Mac OS, for example the funtion browser is location and laid out differently, but i finally cracked it the good ol' fashioned way (Hack and slash approach lol). Anyway i hope this helps someone stuck with the same problem as mine.
PS sorry for the double post