Best Answers

  • jckmcgrawjckmcgraw Posts: 647
    Accepted Answer
    I had no idea there were any GS books out there. They look pretty good! Hopefully they can help some beginners out there :)

  • PhoticsPhotics Posts: 4,172
    Accepted Answer
    I had no idea there were any GS books out there.
    Wow, maybe I should work harder on marketing. HA HA!
  • RThurmanRThurman Posts: 2,881
    Accepted Answer
    The official GameSalad development guide (by Jeannie Novak) should be added to the list. Did I mention "official"?!?!

    It will be published by Delmar and its slated for Feb. 2013 publication.
  • jckmcgrawjckmcgraw Posts: 647
    edited June 2012 Accepted Answer

    Oops I stated that wrong. 8-} I have heard of your book for sure! I was thinking of real, physical books in this digital age :P
  • LanoLano Posts: 18
    Accepted Answer
    Nice book... hope it can covers all basic guideline which didn't touched by our on-line Cookbook...
  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Posts: 1,246
    Accepted Answer
    Never new they existed. From the TOC it looks like you can get most of the content from the various videos, but some people prefer books and in general it is really great that someone took the time to write a GS book.

  • LumpAppsLumpApps Posts: 2,881
    Accepted Answer
    I prefer books in the fireplace. ;)

    But serious, a good written book is good to get you started sometimes compared to the overwhelming amount of videos and online info. It can give you a better base when you start from scratch.


  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    edited June 2012
    I have heard of your book for sure! I was thinking of real, physical books in this digital age :P
    There are some printed copies floating around out there...

    ...heh... unless LudwigHeijden burned them all.
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