Live Twitter Q&A with the GameSalad Staff!
Tomorrow, Tuesday June 12th, GameSalad will be hosting a live Twitter Q&A session with key members of the GameSalad staff. The event will run from 10-11am CST.
We aim to bring you this event monthly on the second Tuesday of each month.
Excited to participate?!
Just follow these easy steps:
1. Follow @GameSalad on Twitter
2. Login to Twitter at 10am CST, and look for our tweet signaling the beginning of the event
3. Send your GameSalad related questions out into the Twitterverse
4. Make sure that all questions start with @GameSalad
5. Feeling fancy? Include the hashtag #GSDev

Check out our previous Twitter Q&A during Community Love Week, for a good idea of questions (and their answers) that were asked!
We look forward to this informal opportunity to interact more directly with you on a more regular basis!
See you then!
We aim to bring you this event monthly on the second Tuesday of each month.
Excited to participate?!
Just follow these easy steps:
1. Follow @GameSalad on Twitter
2. Login to Twitter at 10am CST, and look for our tweet signaling the beginning of the event
3. Send your GameSalad related questions out into the Twitterverse
4. Make sure that all questions start with @GameSalad
5. Feeling fancy? Include the hashtag #GSDev

Check out our previous Twitter Q&A during Community Love Week, for a good idea of questions (and their answers) that were asked!
We look forward to this informal opportunity to interact more directly with you on a more regular basis!
See you then!
We look forward to holding another Live Twitter Event next month! Thanks guys!
Twitter Q&A- Tuesday June 12th, 2012
1. What are your plans on allowing HTML5 export which doesn't require GSarcade. Standalone?
Answer: Standalone HTML5 export is something we've been considering, but not on nearterm schedule for now. Great question!
2. Is Blackberry on your radar? Alot of devs may like this especially with BB10 round the corner.
Answer: Blackberry is not a top priority for us right now. We'll keep investigating it, but currently not on the roadmap.
3. Will Facebook be integrated like tweetsheet in iOS6?
Answer: A little too early to say! Our devs also just got iOS6, are playing with it, and exploring its potential right now
4. Will we ever be able to make an app that records the sound output of the device using gamesalad?
Answer: Additional device feature support is something we'd love to do, and is on our long term roadmap
5. What would you define as long term?
Answer: Long term is that it's something we'd like to do, but it's not tasked to anyone for active development right now.
6. What about an option to disable Game Center Achievement pop ups to allow us to create custom ones?
Answer: GCA is a relatively new feature for Gamesalad, so we're keeping an eye on it and how our users are leveraging it.
7. Now that Tables are out, and Retina for iPad is available, what's priority for the Engine Development team now?
Answer: Engine team is focusing on improving engine performance- incl. load time and file sizes. We'll have another engine demo soon.
8. Is there any support for multiplayer over IOS on the near horizon, either via Game Center or via own dev servers?
Answer: Online multiplayer support is not currently offered by GameSalad, but it is on our roadmap.
9. Is Online multiplayer support part of short/med/long term development on the roadmap?
Answer: I would say medium. Not scheduled for anyone yet, but a top priority for items not currently scheduled.
10. Will a PC version of the software be coming around? Thanx!
Answer: Yes! GameSalad Creator is now available for Windows in Beta. Sign up and download it here:
11. What is coming in 9.94?
Answer: 0.9.94 will bring fixes and improvements and it's coming very soon!
12. When will you decide to put your hands on the Open URL behavior? eg. Removing drop down menu and adding an expression editor.
Answer: We don't have any immediately plans to alter the OpenURL behavior.
13. is Universal iOS app support on the roadmap?
Answer: Yes, it's on the roadmap - but still early in development - no target date yet.
14.Any update on Facebook integration?
Answer:Still a hot priority and definitely on the roadmap.
15. iOS 6 says FB integration.. when is GS catching up?
Answer: Our devs just got iOS6, are playing with it and exploring FB integration, and exploring its potential!
16. When will you add an expression editor in the Play Sound behavior to allow us to use slimmer rules to play sounds?
Answer: Adding the expressions editor to fields, behaviors, and rules where it hasn't traditionally existed is intriguing and certainly worth considering.
17. Whats happening with joints??
Answer: Joints are on the roadmap. First we need to lay the groundwork & build a stronger development foundation w/ LUA-free engine.
18. if i updated not to iOS 6 beta will this effect the game salad viewer or any feature?! is it safe to update
Answer: We are working on iOS6 compatibility, but at this time we do not currently offer official support it as it is a Beta deploy.
19. Are there any plans to let us use the expression editor in the IF section of a rule?
Answer:That is an interesting development workflow idea. We don't have current plans for it but will discuss with our team Thanks!
20.We GS ever give us the option to import and use our own custom fonts?
Answer: Custom Fonts are on the roadmap, but not on the schedule as yet. Great question!
21. Any perspective time on when version 0.9.93 will be available for Windows?
Answer: 0.9.93 is on schedule to be released on Windows later this month.
22. When should we be expecting joints and LUA free GS? Please give us a fair date../timeline..
Answer: Wish we could give dates, but the honest answer is: as soon as they're ready.
23. Will we get Pixel Collision/costume hitboxes soon (or ever) ?
Answer: Custom collision is on our wishlist too!
24. When can the Mac Creator expect some re-design love like the Windows Creator?
Answer: We'll be working to bring together the Windows and Mac experiences over the coming weeks and months.
25. Any chance of rulers for layout and the ability to zoom in/out in the creator?
Answer: Our UI team is currently working on workflow improvements. We will let them know about your suggestion. Thanks!
26. Howdy, so are PC games on the roadmap? i.e being able to publish native PC apps?
Answer: Yes, they are! We're new to the Windows world, but we'd love to see GS games on PC.
27. Looking over the dictionary in Gamesalad it seems many definitions are missing. Is it being actively updated?
Answer: We're currently reviewing Cookbook material to update Mac Creator content along with new PC Creator pages. If there’s anything we can help you with right now (with missing definitions or missing information that you are seeking), be sure to write into Support.
28. Where are the Gamesalad offices located?
Answer: We have GameSalad offices in Austin, San Fran, and LA!
29. Any plans to possibly bring Gamesalad development to the Xbox or Playstation platform/networks?
Answer: While Xbox & Playstation network game dev would be awesome, that's not currently on our roadmap.
30. May already be common knowledge but when can we expect a UI similar to Windows on Mac, any plans?
Answer: Stay tuned! We'll be working to bring together the Windows and Mac experiences over the coming weeks and months.
31. are there any upcoming industry events Gamesalad will be present? Is there a Gamesalad calendar to view?
Answer: We use to organize our meetups. Our blog is also updated with any attendance at industry events.
32. How about adding in expression editor functions for scenes and audio? That would cut dev time and maybe global camera controls?
Answer:Adding the expressions editor to fields, behaviors, and rules where it hasn't traditionally existed is intriguing and certainly worth considering.
33. what happened to mac to windows export? I thought it was due in the last build, surprised you opened beta without it
Answer: Opening the beta allowed us to simply remove the wait & invite process for devs. Mac to Windows export is still a priority
34. How is the update for 0.9.93 looking? Any update on this?
Answer: We expect to release a hot fix in response to the 0.9.93 Mac Creator release later this week
35. when is a Lua free engine coming? Closer to .94 or 1.0?
Answer:Sorry, no date on PGFc. Our team is through a lot of the heavy lifting, but there's much more to go. Expect more updates soon
36. Hi, can I install GameSalad for Windows on my computer lab at my university for a course I'm teaching?
Answer: Absolutely! Also, we'd love to hear more about your program. Contact education AT gamesalad DOT com
37. How far are Universal builds on your roadmap?
Answer: Universal Builds are on the roadmap - but still early in development - no target date yet.
38. Now we've got writable tables, will you be making table attributes readable for rule conditions?
Answer: So far, tables have only changed the THEN part of the statement. Moving them to the IF part of the statement is a massive project. Basically- it is on the roadmap, but not currently on the development schedule.
39. is there any soon plans to put a feature to make universal games for both iPhone & iPad ?
Answer: Yes, it's on the roadmap - but still early in development - no target date yet.
40. is there feature to make a Scenes contains multiple scenes?
Answer: We loved 'Inception', too! The concept of scenes within scenes is certainly interesting and something we've discussed, but it's not on our current roadmap.
41. will we have actor with names in editor mode plus multiple actor selection to move them around?
Answer: Not sure I understand the full breadth of the question. I can say that multiple select is on the roadmap as part of our UI improvements.
42. UI suggestion: if you go back and the window size and selected actor tags didn't switch to default
Answer: Thanks for the suggestion. I will let our UI team know!
43. is there anything the community can do to help Gamesalad besides feedback through the usual routes?
Answer: Feedback via the forums & the Contact Support Form are the best ways. They allow us to track multiple issues and suggestions
44. Are there any plans to make GS more flexible? So we can add 3rd party tools? (e.g a publisher's network)
Answer: It's something we've looked into, but have nothing concrete on the roadmap.
45. how well does your latest release run on #MountainLion ?
Answer: Currently in testing and we'll have more details once Mountain Lion ships.
Answer: Yes, they are! We're new to the Windows world, but we'd love to see GS games on PC."
something to add to the conversation.
1. you guys talked about tencent and yet no multi-language support? you are overlooking a big chunk of opportunity.
2. someone mention about not reverting back to default, to expand on that, the UI experience needs some honing to save us time. when we are working on game that takes us several month, an improvement as such will cut our time by half literally. having to find our way "back" through actors, layers... things such as the ability to lock layers, the ability to search where attributes are used and globally change things, also things such as the ability to globally turn off physics... (trust me i hired an intern just to do those things...) how about a "code" like environment where you show the same drag and drop UI except in a text form(more like a gamesalad language, or plain english) i mean c'mon since you guys went through the trouble of making it easy for everyone why not make it even easier... i mean anyone who's spend more than half year with GS is pretty comfortable with quote and quote coding.. it'll be a hybrid of GS "coding" and the real deal. we need an "advanced mode" otherwise people will simply grow out of GS and switch to other code based platform.. i for one would hate to do that since i invested all these time with GS and seeing now that LUA free engine is coming out.. it'll be unwise to learn LUA all over again.
3. i wish that those of us who's been staying royal can have free service once 1.0 comes out.. to compensate for our royalty and contribution to the platform. where would you guys be without our collective effort to make you better? and why are we panelized for the mistakes you guys keeps on making? for the past.. i dunno years.(ok that's being a bit harsh but hey remember the ones that was with u through the tough times and you'll be sure to gain even greater following).
those are my sincere comment. and pls don't reply "use the support link" etc... i took my time.
However you missed one of mine on the Display Text behavior and the current crappy look of it. With the great introduction of tables that behavior can be really useful, but as it is now it gives a really unprofessional look to games that uses it. When will you fix it?
1. as per my comment they were for things undiscussed.
2. not suggesting that anyone should be given pro features for free. no...simply suggesting that.. the amount of downtime is un-realistic. and i WISH to the skies that some miracle happens to keep us fanboys happy and what you guys do is completely is up to you as a reputable and honest company.
- Device camera usage in the roadmap.
- IAP and Ads for Androids.
Maybe you should propose those questions when we do the event again- on July 10th at 10am CST