Tinymonster is now James. Username change
Member Posts: 1,927
Not that 97% of you care since there are thousands of gs'ers now but I've been here a few months and this is for the 3% who care.
Also the name James was already in use so I just added the name of my website to the end of it. I've actually had that name for a really long time. I originally purchased the domain name when I thought I was gonna do some clothing stuff. Long story short i quit my real job and purchased a gs liscense and here I am grinding out a game with ladybugs 22 hours a day everyday. Lol
Also the name James was already in use so I just added the name of my website to the end of it. I've actually had that name for a really long time. I originally purchased the domain name when I thought I was gonna do some clothing stuff. Long story short i quit my real job and purchased a gs liscense and here I am grinding out a game with ladybugs 22 hours a day everyday. Lol
I'm not counting on Anything though. My real motivation is just not wanting my kids in daycare.
Althogh if I ever make somethign I feel really good about I won't hesitate to market the crap out of it and see what happens
As far as making a living with GS...its possible. You just have to do REALLY REALLY REALLY good games and sell them cheap. Keep your strategy of game ideas towards long lasting genre's that are oriented towards volume and not kitschy. Get about 5 or 6 really good ideas together and bust them out one after another at about 1 per month. Make them FUN, RICH, AND DEEP! Then once you have a steady revenue base to work within...Start going high concept and try to hit a homerun. But your bread and butter ones will be the mainstay concepts.
Also...remember...only 1 in 10 movies are successful. The numbers are even worse in game dev...so it takes time and a little luck to do it well and make a living at it. At least with GS...you don't have to learn XCode to get into the action...which is why we are here!
haha yeah for real.
I'm not new at being a parent and I'be been doing this for about 3 months.
Hopefully you got that 22 hours is highly exaturatd. I do for the most part work while everyone else sleeps. But it's nice to be able to at least be on and off all day a little.
currently struggling a little deciding how easy to make early levels, and how quickly to scale the difficulty, (difficulty is vaired depending on actors in scene, and physics settings).
oh and @ James, so is Tiny Monster dead?
My first few games were really so i could learn about GS so i didn't spend a ton of time on them. Now that i know my way around better the one i am working on now I easily have a couple hundred hours into.
i can spend hours on one layer style in photoshop lol
more so, just never liked TM as a screen name.
I have a feeling you will be fine. Nice bold, clean web site too by the way.
Success is a relative term. Anyone who can keep their head above water and have fun doing it is most definitely a success. Sure they may not be famous or a household name but those are usually only the top few percent anyway. That goes for actors, musicians and businesses.
Us little "indies" are the way to go. I'll never go back to working for a large game company ever again. Keep enjoying what you are doing each and every day.
Good luck also. I think you are on a great path!
lol I actually did the musician thing for about 10 years.
Odds seem better here.
Also if anyone cares here is why i haven't slept in days. I'm getting really close to releasing the lite version of this and i just can't stop.
Your new game looks like a winner. I'm sure you will let us know when it hits.