Help with Blurry Images

sawkasteesawkastee Member Posts: 184
edited June 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I am developing for iPhone using GameSalad. I have a scene that is 480x320. I am creating my graphics in Adobe Illustrator CS5. I create a new file in Illustrator, here are the settings I am using, The file size x & y is divisible by 4:

After creating the file I export to PNG, here are the settings on export:

I expect clean sharp edges when previewing it in the viewer but its a bit blurry, especially around the curved areas. This pic is a snapshot from my phone screen (home button & lock button press)

Can anyone help me get this images sharper, what am I doing wrong here????

Best Answer

  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasPosts: 2,870
    Accepted Answer
    Also, make sure after you export from Illustrator that the file stays at 72ppi. Sometimes if you open it in Photoshop or any other program, the ppi will be something like 72.009ppi, and that will make it blurry as well.

    I don't know why Illustrator does this, but it happens to me all the time. I have to open it in Photoshop, and change it back to 72ppi.


  • sawkasteesawkastee Member Posts: 184
    The 960x640 png is the retina display size of my iPhone screen (i took a snapshot of the screen) while running the game in viewer to show you how its blurry. I don't always want to make images that are 960x640 for my game. For example I may want an actor plank in my game that is 320x160 and I thought as long as the image sizes are divisible by 4 and 72 dpi they would be ok.

    Here's a screenshot of the actor with image in GS.
  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Member Posts: 1,246
    How did you placed the image on the Actor?

    Did you:
    1. dragged the image to create an actor
    2. dragged it over an existing actor
    3. dragged it over an actor in the actor view (when you are seeing the actor behaviors)

    Also, are you using RI (resolution independent)
  • sawkasteesawkastee Member Posts: 184
    thanks slick zero that was the problem for whatever reason my images where exported out of illustrator in a dpi of 72.009 fixed them in photoshop and they look crisp now.
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