Connecting Score to Actor's movements

carlblanchetcarlblanchet Member Posts: 755
edited June 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey! :D

How can I have an actor's movement increase a score.
The more it moves the higher goes the score.

while I'm here too; how would i get an actor to increase and decrease in size from specific sizes and have that loop?


Best Answer

  • HapiappsHapiapps Posts: 373
    Accepted Answer
    For #1 make it so as the x position increases (if going left and right) - add the amount difference from beginning to end to an attribute so if he is at 50 and goes to 100 - then make the score 50.

    For #2 use the interpolate behavior with a timer like every 1 second, interpolate size>X>.5 then to 1, then make it do it again for both x and y. Hope that helps.
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