Save Table, I can't get it to save?

SlowboySlowboy Member, PRO Posts: 329
edited June 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey y'all, while we're waiting (chomping at the bit) for the hotfix, can anyone give me a hand with this Save Table business please?
It's my first time doing it, so I'm guessing I must be doing something worng, but I can't get the damned thing to save!
I'm using Save Table, if a button is pressed, or the like, save the table, but nothing I do lasts beyond the game session. I have text displaying table contents, so I can see, and prove to myself that the cells are definitely changing, but the Save Table seems to not save :L
Is there any special way I should be doing this, or should I just be able to Save Table, quit the game, and then my changes will be in the table, in the editor??
Thanks for listening ;]

Best Answer


  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    No, you should just be able to put the Save Table behavior in there and it will save and load...
  • SlowboySlowboy Member, PRO Posts: 329
    I'm setting up a level so I have a table to place the objects - instead of trial and error and lots of jotting x y co ords down, I'm moving objects around till I'm happy, then want to hit Save and have all their positions written to the table. So I have an object with display text on, which is showing me the contents of a few of the cells on the table, so I can prove that they are being updated, and change when I hit my Save button. When I leave the game though, the table is unchanged...
    ...I'm just in normal editor, not on device, or ad hoc.
  • SlowboySlowboy Member, PRO Posts: 329
    Thanks Guys... Well, that's a bit tedious. I wasted well over an hour trying to figure that out :L
    Also, the reason I wan't to write to the table is for level design, not for the player in game, so it would be much more convenient for me to do it on the big screen, rather than on a device.
    Is there a 'valid' reason why we can't write on the desktop?
  • SlowboySlowboy Member, PRO Posts: 329
    So, is there no way at all to access saved cells in the creator? I've run my game in the viewer and saved the table from within it, but no change in the editor once I quit out.
    Am I just expecting to be able to do something that basically isn't possible?
    How can we check our information on tables if we can't see what's been saved? If I had some massive empty table, and I wanted to check that loads of info had been saved correctly to it, how can I *see* that? Would I have to do some crazy massive display text or something?
    What I really wanted to do was to position things on screen, then actually *use* those new values as the defaults, in a table. I've got a table full of rough, basic positioning, then want to *save* more refined, new positions in the table when I am happy, then *use* those new positions going forward - you know, like a level editor.
    Can I really not do that?
  • SlowboySlowboy Member, PRO Posts: 329
    Wow. So I now have an xml ripped out of the GSViewer's belly via iExplorer with them 'saved' table's contents in a massive long string, which I will have to copy and paste manually back into the editor's table, which is *STILL* easier than the alternative of doing it all with pencil and paper. Man, I really thought this was going to be a little less long winded!!
    ...there may be a way to convert this xml onto a csv again which can then be imported - I've tried one converter already, but it didn't work; I guess you need to predefine the format that the xml is layed out in...has anyone had a bash at this already?
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