Updating Viewer

dimsdaledimsdale Member Posts: 499
edited June 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Can someone quickly tell me how to update to the new viewer?
I down loaded it and double clicked on the GameSalad Viewer.xcodeproj file but I guess there is still more?

Best Answers

  • HapiappsHapiapps Posts: 373
    Accepted Answer
    Delete the old one on your device. Take the new one, change the bundle identifier in Xcode and change the code signing to its provisioning. Then select your device and click build.
  • bjandthekatzbjandthekatz Orlando, FlPosts: 1,375
    Accepted Answer
    all you do is
    1. delete old one off computer (don't have to delete off device)
    2. double click the gamesaladviewer.xcodeproj
    3. click build options and change code signing to iOS provisioning
    4. run on device


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