Restart Coin Issue HELP&THANKS
hi there everyone!! thanks in advance!! the ball collide with the coin it desappear (which is okay), and i press the Pause Button and press Restart actor and its reset all the coin where it was. (which is okay), and when i repeat the same process the coin it's DOESN'T reset the ANYMORE =-(. It's only reset 1 time. HELP
coin actor:
rule#1- overlap or collide with ball
att- self. selfUsed is false (self.att)
change att- self.selfUsed to true
rule#2- att- self.selfUsed is false
change att- self.color.Alpha to 1
change att- self.color.alpha to 0
rule#3- att-game.restartbutton is true (game att)
change att- self.selfUsed to false
Restart actor:
- when Touch is pressed
-reset scene
-change att- game.restart button to true
-when Touch is pressed
-Unpause Game
coin actor:
rule#1- overlap or collide with ball
att- self. selfUsed is false (self.att)
change att- self.selfUsed to true
rule#2- att- self.selfUsed is false
change att- self.color.Alpha to 1
change att- self.color.alpha to 0
rule#3- att-game.restartbutton is true (game att)
change att- self.selfUsed to false
Restart actor:
- when Touch is pressed
-reset scene
-change att- game.restart button to true
-when Touch is pressed
-Unpause Game
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
coin actor:
rule#1- overlap or collide with ball
att- self. selfUsed is false (self.att)
change att- self.selfUsed to true
rule#2- att- self.selfUsed is false
change att- self.color.Alpha to 1
change att- self.color.alpha to 0
rule#3- att-game.restartbutton is true (game att)
change att- self.selfUsed to false
Restart actor:
- when Touch is pressed
-reset scene
-change att- game.restart button to true
-when Touch is pressed
-Unpause Game