How To Make A Good Trailer?

MetzoPainoMetzoPaino Member Posts: 195
So I'm starting to dip my toes into making a trailer for when my app gets released, but there seems to be a few logistical problems.

How do you guys show off your apps in a good way? I recorded some footage of the app running with Screen Flow at the highest resolution, then brought it into Final Cut X, cut out the gameplay and put it inside the largest iPhone image I could find, and it looks ok. However, it's quite zoomed out, i'd like to have some shots close up to really show off the artwork, but when I do this the footage gets blurry.

Any advice? I thought about dropping down from 1080p to 720p so it's easier to get the images bigger, but it isn't that helpful.

Best Answer

  • HapiappsHapiapps Posts: 373
    Accepted Answer
    I use something awesome called "Reflection App".

    You can open up the game on your iPhone, play as normal and on your Mac's screen, it will tape the footage of the game. It also has iPhone skin if you choose to use it but I find it really interesting.

    Also make sure to have a lot of GAMEPLAY. There are many trailers with story lines and screen shots but there is nothing like seeing the actual gameplay of the app.
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