problem when reseting scene

TailGamesTailGames Member Posts: 76
edited June 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
i have a switch that when touched it turns off this flow of electricity and my main actor can pass through without dying,now i have a reset scene switch in my game but after i turn the switch off and my actor dies and the scene restarts the electricity is gone anyway and this happens even after this scene

Best Answer

  • anithmukanithmuk Posts: 235
    edited June 2012 Accepted Answer
    Just have the electricity switch/attribute/rule turn the electricity back on after the main character dies, or immediately after the reset is activated.

    Edit: Ninja'd by John.


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    you need to change whatever attribute turns the electricity off back to what it is when you start when you reset the game, ect.
  • TailGamesTailGames Member Posts: 76
    i actualy clicked that by accident and his method di work fine i got it working my mighty mouse has a bad tracking problem is all. and it wont let me unreject it so i just left it there and let anithmuk have it cause his worked too. (considering they were the same exact method)
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