How do you make a sound effect play one time after you touch the screen.

The way my game is set up, I just want to touch on an item and hear the sound effect go off one time. after that if you touch on the same item you dont hear the sound effect anymore. I dont want it to repeat everytime you touch the screen. How do you make this happen?
Best Answers
gyroscope I am here.Posts: 6,598
Hi, @jobei
You really don't need a video for this: if you're not even sure how to make an attribute, you'd best work through some basic training via the Cookbook, I'd advise. :-)
Firstly, with respect to @bjandthekatz his solution isn't correct (you don't need a timer every 5 seconds to change an attribute, for instance).
@tshirtbooth solution is correct.
• In the Scene Editor, make sure Game is selected and click on the Attributes button.
• click the + button and choose boolean
• name it playsound and check the checkbox (to make it true)
• In the actor that you press, put TSB's solution in the editor:
When touch is pressed AND game.playsound is true
play sound
change attribute game.playsound to false
Hope that sorts it finally for you.
PS THere are some excellent videos on the GameSalad channel on YouTube; I haven't got the address to hand but another member might let you know before I check it out...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
gyroscope I am here.Posts: 6,598
Hi again @jobeiI think I almost got it, what do TSB's stand for?
That's my shortened version of tshirtbooth's name!
OK, so you're seeing "self.playsound" and "game.playsound" in the Attribute Browser: "game.playsound" is the correct one in this case, as this is the global attribute you set. By the sound of it, you also made what could be called a local attribute in the actor prototype (the one in the Actor Library) and called it the same. Just delete this one so you don't get confused.
something new pop up for me, when I use the change attribute I get the two boxes set: and to: but inside my set box it say "self.playsound" It don't say "game.playsound" What am I doing wrong?
Actually, a local attribute would work just as well in this case but it's probably a good idea to make all your attributes as game attributes to begin with, until you fully understand the difference.
I hope that's explained it well enough for you and I haven't confused you more - I get the idea you're new to GameSalad - the more you use the GameSalad Creator and work through examples and tutorials, the more it'll all click into place for you.
The best of luck with it... :-)
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
just to let you know I have the sound working , i just need to know how to not make it repeat when you touch on the screen again and again
I hope that helps
for sound actor do
when touch is pressed change attribute Integer to 1
when Integer attribute=1 play sound
Timer, every (ex. 5 seconds) change attribute Interger=0
hope this helped.
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I think i need to see a video, is there any videos on here or youtube that come close to what I'm trying to do, that i can learn from?
Thanks for trying, when it comes to this Im really slow lol
something new pop up for me, when I use the change attribute I get the two boxes set: and to: but inside my set box it say "self.playsound" It don't say "game.playsound" What am I doing wrong?
I DID IT!!!!! I GOT IT TO WORK!!! It feel like I won the superbowl lmao Thank gyroscope, tshirtbooth, bjandthekatz
Yeah, I had to play around with all the info you guys gave me , so I'll see you all the next time I'm lost,...
ok you can pm me or email. (my signature)
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