Game Engine - What it's made of!
I'm sure some people know this, others may not, so I figured I would share. I was doing some testing to find out what the heck Game Engine is under the Memory portion of the viewer. Mine weighed in at a haughty 32.7MB.
I deleted ALL actors in a scene. It got it down by a few MB's.
I deleted ALL scenes except one. 0 Effect.
I deleted ACTORS that were NOT in the scene, but were in the game.
This is what Game Engine is composed of. Every actor you have is contributing to the overall memory footprint of your game, whether it's in the scene you're on or not. Just figured I would mention it, since I never knew what the Game Engine part was.
I deleted ALL actors in a scene. It got it down by a few MB's.
I deleted ALL scenes except one. 0 Effect.
I deleted ACTORS that were NOT in the scene, but were in the game.
This is what Game Engine is composed of. Every actor you have is contributing to the overall memory footprint of your game, whether it's in the scene you're on or not. Just figured I would mention it, since I never knew what the Game Engine part was.
Were doing a week of testing to try and figure out that mystery since Gendai is SILENT on that constantly requested topic and seems to be too busy drinking swill at all these conventions!
A blank scene pushed:
images: 0 KB
Sounds: 0 KB
Game Engine: 3.5 MB
Other: 1.9 MB
Total: 5.4 MB
Blank Scene with 1 actor (white box and no physics)
Other bumps to 2.1 MB
Total: 5.6 MB
Blank Scene with 6 IDENTICAL actors (white boxes and no physics)
Other bumps to 2.3 MB
Total: 5.9 MB
Blank Scene with 6 IDENTICAL actor (white box and no physics) + X and Y velocity = 3
Other bumps to 2.4 MB
Total: 6.0 MB
New Scene with a 960w X 640h 8bit image (about 350KB in size) and no additional actors
images: 2.0 MB
Sounds: 0 KB
Game Engine: 3.5 MB
Other: 2.0 MB
Total: 7.5 MB
Not sure what this tells us yet...other than the GS engine bloats out really quick with very little initial content...especially the renderer. 1 game map image in your game and you've already used 20% of your resources available!!!
Take one of you pre-existing games. Play it normally. Jot down the game engine memory usage. Now delete everything from the scene. When I did this the game engine did not change much at all. Maybe a few MB if that.