is it possible to create a CPU car?

patapplepatapple Member Posts: 873
edited June 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)

in these days i'm trying to create a CPU actor that do somethings automatically. today my question is: is it possible to create a car that drive automatically on a circuit? (like reckless racing...)

anyone has already created a game with this? :)

Best Answers

  • alimpo83alimpo83 Posts: 188
    Accepted Answer
    I've not yet tried it, but it's possible. You have to make an actor follow a path. I guess TSB already has a tutorial that can be adapted to this.
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Posts: 2,033
    Accepted Answer
    There is a really good overhead racing game template by Deepblueapps/Utopian games that uses a really genius way to do cpu controlled cars.


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