Making Provision Profiles Never Works
Hi GameSalad Community, i really need you guys help! I have a provision profile that works called iOS Provisioning Team* but other than that any other one that i make through the development portal never works, if i create one than download it and double click it (like @TShirtBooth Instructions) And try to add it to the organizer (xcode) it says valid profile not found. I went into XCode and type in " Code S" and as a signing identities found my name as an iphone developer but the provision profiles i just made were greyed out and it says "profile doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in default key chain. This provisions certificate stuff seems a lil overwhelming and i want to understand it totally, does anyone know any general tutorials on this that are really good for understanding it and can someone help diagnose the problem? thanks!
Best Answers
kinzua Posts: 554
@TWEAmazingApps watch the video again, make a checklist of do's & don'ts. Run the video again and do ur process side by side as it is mentioned. You surely missing out on something. -
MarkOnTheIron Posts: 1,447
If the problem persist you will have better luck by deleting all the certificates and provisioning profiles and start again.
petercoupe Posts: 94
I agree with 'kinzua' - make a list and follow it through, ticking off and making comments (to help in the future) as you go. It is a long and drawn out process, but you will get there in the end! -
The_Gamesalad_Guru Posts: 9,922
Okay I know why. When you have it on two computers you must export the keys from the first computer you installed them on. You can't just copy them. apple tells you how do export keys for another computer on the developer website.
to be honest i have watch that video over and over and done the steps and i believer the problem lies with the cerfticates, i dont know much about these things, but even the provisioning profiles that worked on all my devices before, now they are coming up with that same message. I think i need to delete all certificates and provisioning profiles and start again like @MarkOnTheIron said. I'll try both solutions and update you guys, thanks!