How to make 2D background layered and scrolling effect
I'm working on a platformer and wanted to know, how to make either the layer in the back or front move... Do you just attach a move behavior to the back layer and move it to the left or right?
IF so, say you have a scene that is width 2560, how much longer should you make the background pieces or could you just add the wrap feature and only need a backdrop of width 2560?
Sorry, it's 6am here where I live, barely waking up to type this, hope this isn't confusing!
IF so, say you have a scene that is width 2560, how much longer should you make the background pieces or could you just add the wrap feature and only need a backdrop of width 2560?
Sorry, it's 6am here where I live, barely waking up to type this, hope this isn't confusing!