Accelerometer problem.

gawakamygawakamy Member Posts: 109
edited June 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi, GS dudes.
I made an accelerometer on my app and put some characters in there. What I intended is the characters move whenever I lean the device. The problem is the characters move to right side only.
This is what I made as below.

When Attribute. game.AccelerometerX > 0.01
Then Accelerometer Direction=180 Relative to scene, Acceleration=200

When Attribute. game.AccelerometerX < -0.01
Then Accelerometer Direction=0 Relative to scene, Acceleration=200

When Attribute. game.AccelerometerY > 0.01
Then Accelerometer Direction=90 Relative to scene, Acceleration=200

When Attribute. game.AccelerometerX < -0.01
Then Accelerometer Direction=270 Relative to scene, Acceleration=200


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