Enemies like in Mario - not destroying actor
I have a game sort of like Mario that I'm making. The character is a pirate and the "goomba enemy" is a sand crab. What I'm trying to do is get the pirate to destroy the crab on collision from jumping, and if the pirate just runs into the crab it will destroy the pirate. I have it working where in general the pirate destroys the crab, but if I try and flip it where the pirate just runs into the crab and gets destroyed, the pirate just will not die! I tried killing the pirate by just a mouse click or keyboard press but nothing happens. Anyone know what the deal is?
Best Answer
vgiannetti23 Posts: 9
tshirtbooths video should help with that
for the sides, in the pirate's rules 'when actor collides w/ actor of type side, destroy actor 'pirate', and on the top do the same as above but change it to destroy actor 'crab'.