Actor motion in a scene.

dhousedhouse Member Posts: 2
edited June 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Say I have an actor that I want to translate in a "wavy" motion across a scene.
Simular to the curve below:
How should I approach this? The actor needs to move to various positions yet have a smooth bezier-type motion.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
-David H.

Best Answer

  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Posts: 1,362
    Accepted Answer
    You're probably going to want to use Sin/Cos curves.

    Make an attribute that goes up by a certain number, start with 180, every second. Then, constrain your actor's position Y to "sin(Attribute)*x+y"

    The X number should be how high up and down you want the actor to move. The Y should be starting Y position.

    Then just have it move left to right at a constant speed using move, interpolate, accelerate, or constrain attribute self.motion.linear.x. It's your choice how you want to move it.

    The resulting movement from the combination of these 2 things should be something like what you want.

    If this doesn't work to your liking, play around with the speed, the x and y's, and even add a constant number to multiply the attribute by, like "sin(50*self.timing)". This number will change the left to right length of the curve I think, much like adjusting the speed at which the attribute moves up (180).

    If you can't get it to work, or if I didn't explain that clearly, just let me know. I'll try to help.


  • dhousedhouse Member Posts: 2
    Thanks. I'll try your suggestion.
    -David H.
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