Adding Image to Tables

dawgshousedawgshouse Member Posts: 0
edited June 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi there!

Brand new to GS and working with tables for a trivia game. Instead of adding text for the questions, how can I add in images for users to answer? Any help would be much appreciated!



  • lukey5227lukey5227 Member Posts: 111
    You know how you can access attributes such as Self > Position > Position X to find the position x of that actor? There is actually a Self >Image. I don't thing you need to add on any ".jpg" or ".png" or whatever.

    It gets better though. Suppose you're on question 1. There are the answers A, B, C, and D which are all pictures. Its smart to save the pictures like 7A.png (for question 7, answer A) and such. This way, all you need to do to display an image is have the attribute "Question #" and "Question Letter". Then just change the images to "Question #".."Question Letter".

    So this is an easier way of what you're doing.

    If you still want to add it to a table, just add in the name of the image without the extension. Later, have the actor change its image to the contents of that cell.

    - 5227
  • jckmcgrawjckmcgraw Member Posts: 647

    That's a pretty suite solution. I completely forgot about the self.image attribute!

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