Vertical shoot em up , speed up over time and enemies spawn increase.... HELP!!!

jerlant360jerlant360 Member Posts: 82
edited June 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Guys im working on a vertical shoot em up game and i want to know how can i make it go faster over time.

for example: i start the game then start to appear some enemies (20 seconds later) the game is a little more faster and more enemies are coming something like that.

Thanks a lot!!!


  • HapiappsHapiapps Member Posts: 373
    Have the actor stay at the same y value and have the enemies come down from the top. You can make the speed and amount increase a few ways, like a timer which adds 1 to an attribute each 2 seconds or something is one way.
  • lukey5227lukey5227 Member Posts: 111
    edited June 2012
    When accessing attributes, there is an attribute Game > Time. This tracks how long the game has been going in seconds. Usually pretty good but what if the user is on the main menu for a minute?

    So you should unlock a special actor thats spawning enemies so you can access "Current Scene". Then go to Current Scene > Time. This displays in seconds how long that scene has been running.

    I'd suggest constraining the Current Scene's time in a global attribute if you need it later.

    So lets say you have "Every 3 seconds" -> "Spawn Enemy". Try to do this:

    "Every (3-(Current_Scene.Time/x)" -> "Spawn Enemy".

    What is x? Its the number of seconds it takes to go from 3 to 2. After, the same number of seconds for 2 to 1 and 1 to 0.

    How does this work? We're starting off with 3 and subtracting current scene time over x. This means that current scene time has to be 20 in order for it to equal 1 if x is 20 (20/20). This means its 3-1.

    Hope I could help a lot!

    - 5227

    PS: If you want to feel like the game is really getting intense, put the current scene time in a global attribute. Then, make the enemies speed be: x+(3*Current_Scene_Time). X being the original speed. Play around with the number 3. Remember, after 10 seconds the speed will be 30 higher (so you might want more around 2 or 1.5). Speeding up spawning AND having the enemies speed up will really get the player paying attention. Have fun making your game!

    EDIT: I'm assuming you already know (like Hapiapps said) that the X axis of the player (horizontal) always stays the same and the enemies come from the top of the screen down. Example here:
  • jerlant360jerlant360 Member Posts: 82
    Thanks to both (hapiapps,lukey5227)

    -lukey5227 wow Thanks a lot dude, thanks for taking the time to explain me , its helped me a lot :-bd :D

    -Thanks hapiapps this way is more easy to work ;)
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