Ball in basket

afrogamesafrogames Member Posts: 1
edited June 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I am new here and want to make a basketball game. I want to start small and build it up as I go and the first thing I am wondering is how do I get the ball looking like its going in the hoop? Any help would be appreciated.


  • jamie_cjamie_c Member, PRO Posts: 5,772
    You can put the basket above the ball in the layers palette so when the ball goes through the net it will go under it.

  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    edited June 2012
    The net could be animated... and different animations could be played based on the angle/direction of the ball.

    So... if ball overlaps or collides with "Hidden Net Sensor"
    Then... game.Net Animate = True
    ...and another bunch of rules...
    ...if ball direction is 260-280 degrees... game.Ball Animation = X
    ...if ball direction is 220-259 degrees... game.Ball Animation = Y
    ...if ball direction is 281-320 degrees... game.Ball Animation = Z

    That data would then be read by the net actor... where it would change animations accordingly.

    It's actually not a small thing. It involves math, rules, sharing data with multiple actors and animation. It's a challenging first project. It also depends on the perspective. Is the net viewed from the side... like NBA Jam or Konami's Double Dribble? Is it viewed head-on? That changes the logic and animations.
  • afrogamesafrogames Member Posts: 1
    Thanks for the help on this. It would be from the perspective of both of them with the side/top angle. I figure it I can get this part down first since it seems like it will be the hardest then from here the actors would just be heaving the ball up from over the court. Any other help would be great and I will keep you guys posted.
    The net could be animated... and different animations could be played based on the angle/direction of the ball.

    So... if ball overlaps or collides with "Hidden Net Sensor"
    Then... game.Net Animate = True
    ...and another bunch of rules...
    ...if ball direction is 260-280 degrees... game.Ball Animation = X
    ...if ball direction is 220-259 degrees... game.Ball Animation = Y
    ...if ball direction is 281-320 degrees... game.Ball Animation = Z

    That data would then be read by the net actor... where it would change animations accordingly.

    It's actually not a small thing. It involves math, rules, sharing data with multiple actors and animation. It's a challenging first project. It also depends on the perspective. Is the net viewed from the side... like NBA Jam or Konami's Double Dribble? Is it viewed head-on? That changes the logic and animations.
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