How many downloads does your game typically get in one week?
I amn't sure whether I should be celebrating with the release of my first new game, so I made this poll to see the average number of downloads. You are welcome to vote or comment, but you do not have to give any information. I understand this may be private info, but thanks for your input!
However, after it dies down I'm getting around 15.
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@master200012 did you mean paid or free or both?
would be great if you specify free and paid downloads!
Also, it depends on whether or not you market it.
Not to be pessimistic but for a paid version, in my opinion, the app would hardly sell...:P
*psssshhhhaaaaaa* Show-off!
jk :P
If it makes you feel better, most of my apps only get like 10-15 downloads per week, and I don't use GameSalad for all of them
But it does interest me which markets tend to sell better.
I heard the Kindle sells great, I know business on the App Store is harsh, but I haven't heard much about the other markets.
Any experience on this?