I Won't Get Annoyed But Some People Really Are F.D.Hs

Just looked at some of the reviews of the Lite version of my game ( Rescue War Craft - 041 Lite ) and some people really are F&%$ing D%£! Heads.
How can not having instructions ( Which I do have ) = 1 star ?
I did get a bit upset at first but decided to check some of my favorite app's Lite version's reviews ( Chopper, Alpine Crawler, etc ) and they get the same kind of 1 star ratings often.
You would think that you charged them $10 for an app and then offended them while playing it, not having giving them something for free but I guess anonymity brings out the worst in some people.
How can not having instructions ( Which I do have ) = 1 star ?
I did get a bit upset at first but decided to check some of my favorite app's Lite version's reviews ( Chopper, Alpine Crawler, etc ) and they get the same kind of 1 star ratings often.
You would think that you charged them $10 for an app and then offended them while playing it, not having giving them something for free but I guess anonymity brings out the worst in some people.
Free versions always attract the "freetards" (my favorite word of the year), who are mostly kids, who have no clue about life and who always will complain about everything, because they think, they are entitled to call you names and everything, just because they were able to push the download button.
After the 3rd or 4th app you will learn to laugh about them and ignore them, just like the crackers :-)
Don't take it personally and don't stoop to their level. Try not to respond but, if you do, respond in a respectful, level-headed way.
Other people are happy with it, how it is.
I think, smart users can separate the idiots from the smart ones and can read between review lines.
If there is a game, which is getting 500x 5 star reviews and then it comes an idiot and gives a 1 star rating, you will know, who is right and who is the idiot.
If your one stars overrate the 5 stars by 500:1 , then your app probably really sucks. Take it like a man and improve it :-P
I think your game looks very cool. I am going to go buy it. We live in a world with a bunch of negative nillies. There are 2 things you can do. Fight back and get mad. Or brush it off with a smile. I suggest the later.
we all know how much effort and love goes into making this stuff so it does suck when people give you a bad review. I think you have done an awesome job on your game. I hope to see more!
To rate it without deleting it or to leave a comment one has to go back to the app store and rate it there. Not many people would naturally think to go to the app store and look up something they already have, unless they got clued in about how to rate things.
It's flawed to be sure.