selling games for the Web and desktop...

Now that GS can deploy to both the Web and the mac desktop, I was wondering if it would be possible for us to actually sell applications for the Web/desktop. I can see at first glance that this notion violates the EULA (am I wrong about this, or has anyone heard of upcoming changes in policy?), but if we pay for a gamesalad iphone dev standard membership might that restriction be lifted? After all, being a member of the GS iphone dev group allows us to sell iphone apps, so could it grant us license to sell games for the desktop and Web as well? Please tell me your thoughts as I'm not entirely clear yet on what is and isn't acceptable use of GameSalad.
Thank you,
Thank you,
To my knowledge,
GS is a software designed exclusively to build iPhone/iPod games and uses XCode to run the game...which is a hybrid code language of Objective C++ developed for Apple's mobile devices. There are other software kits out there already for web game development. GameMaker comes to mind as well as Yugma in the cheapie realm. Or you can do it like the pros and use Flash.
I would say to not expect the licensing or the core business model of Gendai (maker of GameSalad) to change on this matter any time soon if at all.
doesnt sell well though (yet) only one copy sold i 5 days
but the good thing is you get to keep all the money.
>> this notion violates the EULA
>> (am I wrong about this, or
>> has anyone heard of upcoming
>> changes in policy?)
I don't remember seeing that in the EULA.
Where does it state that you can't sell your desktop games?
GS answer, if i cant ill take them off the online store.
@Synthesis: what are you talking about? The latest version of GS can deploy to the web, Mac desktop, and the iphone/ipod touch [if you join the membership program]. Right on the home page under 'What is GameSalad-- "Publish your games quickly and easy to the iPhone, iPod Touch, Mac Desktop, and the Web."
Although, this should probably be clarified by Gendai Games.
I do think we are allowed to sell Macintosh desktop games as well as iPhone games.
I sent this question to Gendai directly and received the following reply:
"Games created with GameSalad can be sold if you wish. If there is a section of our EULA
that seems to prohibit sales of Desktop Applications, it is unintentional. Most language related to non-commercial use in our EULA is meant to prevent people from commercializing other people's games.
Tan Tran Team
gendai games inc."
Issue happily resolved!