How to make an Image turn to direction?
I used some of the Cheap AI tutorial for my own game. I have enemy space ships flying to random spots. My question is though. How do I get the images to turn the direction they are heading to?
Best Answer
NovicaStudio Posts: 174
Spawn the actor facing right is kinda what they have seemed to be pointing at.
Make sure the images for the ships are facing towards the right
Please do not Reject an answer just be cause you do understand or cannot make the answer work. He gave you an answer that works. Now you need more info to understand it.
I used this tutorial without the mouse reaction.
and tshirtbooth's above
Is the AI tutorial messing up tshirtbooth's tutorial or am I still setting up the image wrong?
You feel like if you select "answered" that no one will assist you.
It's an annoying feature IMO, and if you never get the right answer, it still prompts you to accept one FOREVER.
Thats all I wanted to say, but this thread did answer the same question for me
So this thread answered someones question at least