Images, actors, backgrounds not showing on the "play" view
Hi, just started today with Gamesalad as soon as i heard they had developed the windows version, was so excited about it and actually checking its general composition seems great. Ive experience making this kind of apps as i come from developing on Stencyl and its very similar but not this powerfull.
Eventhough im having LOTS of troubles for making my images, actors or backgrounds show on the Play View, i upload the image.png to my images, then create a new actor and add him the image on normal method or also try draging the image to it, then i drag the actor / image for background to the screen but it doesnt show, then i go to layers and find out it has been created there also, so what i do is draging that created layer image to the screen again and thats when it displays and allows me to edit its size.
All fine till here, but then when i click on Play Button, it simply displays the Black screen that im starting to hate lol. Its like its not recognizing the images or something.

Also i think its somewhy having trouble with image's coordenates as in some cases i see my image appear by a half pretty hidden somewhere on the screen as you can see here:

Any idea why is it happening? I really hope its a personal mistake and not a gamesalad windows version problem, so i could simply learn and keep using it normally.
Hope anybody can give me a quick solution, take care and thanks!
Eventhough im having LOTS of troubles for making my images, actors or backgrounds show on the Play View, i upload the image.png to my images, then create a new actor and add him the image on normal method or also try draging the image to it, then i drag the actor / image for background to the screen but it doesnt show, then i go to layers and find out it has been created there also, so what i do is draging that created layer image to the screen again and thats when it displays and allows me to edit its size.
All fine till here, but then when i click on Play Button, it simply displays the Black screen that im starting to hate lol. Its like its not recognizing the images or something.

Also i think its somewhy having trouble with image's coordenates as in some cases i see my image appear by a half pretty hidden somewhere on the screen as you can see here:

Any idea why is it happening? I really hope its a personal mistake and not a gamesalad windows version problem, so i could simply learn and keep using it normally.
Hope anybody can give me a quick solution, take care and thanks!
If you have your default xy position off screen it would do this. The second it loads it moves the xy off screen or something like in photo 2. Set your actors xy to say 100x 100y and drag it on to the screen. Get back to me on if this helped.
I did what you said, ill tell you how it was:
made my actor, dragged it on screen, and didnt appear, just as ever the same problem
then went to the code of the actor as you told me to edit his pos, wrote 100/100 and it finally appeared!
What i figured out is that it bugs when i try to give him a position dragging him around that black screen, still if i drag him a bit, it drops me crazy coordenates like 190232... so i have to manually write "logic" amount on its setup to make him appear properly...
Maybe the "dragging" coordinates are bugged?
Thanks for your help!!
Hi, I'm new here and building a side scrolling shoot em up. I'm trying to get my background to scroll automatically. I added a move behavior to the background image. When I hit play, the bg doesn't show up at all. How do I get the bg image to show during the play feature?
@Jay Reiter, if it is only your background that is not showing, then it's probably something in your code.
Thanks for replying, Hopscotch. Yes, it's only my background that is not showing, and I don't see how there could be an error in the code as I don't have any code generated for it yet. I deleted the instance of the background, and took the prototype and dragged and dropped it into my scene and hit play. It will not show at all. Why is that?
@Jay Reiter, did you have a look at this thread?
I just read that thread and checked my settings. They were already the way that the thread recommended. I think I figured out what the problem is/was. My background image was too big width wise. It appears Gamesalad has a restriction on how wide (and quite possibly how tall) an image can be. I chopped the image in half and reimported the image (under a different name for organization's sake) and it works just fine now. I guess I'm going to have to simply use two or more separate image files for one background if I choose to have a big level area.
Ok, images can have a maximum dimention of 2048x2048 pixels, this is an iPhone restriction as well though.
Hi, I am making a pixelated tank-game and all the .png images image will not show up in preview mode. I tried the things on this forum to no avail. Help Please!
I am also having this problem.
Can anyone help? I would really want to make my game!