GS Publications..?
Hi guys. I was wondering : despite the wealth of facts, knowledge and ideas present on this site and others such as gshelper, I still feel the need to have some info laid out before me in a structured environment. To that end, I was wondering what books, ebooks, etc. were currently both available and recommended? I've seen a few GS titles around (amazon, etc), but am unsure which of them would be a waste of my time and money (as I have little of either), and which would be gems. Any help, advice, feedback welcome.
Best Answers
MobileRocketGames Posts: 128
Hi there,
I just started using GS recently and already feel like I can do practically anything I need to with the software. It's very easy to get the hang of. I suggest doing the basic tutorials in the cookbook and when you understand all the basics and terms, just start to build. Try and create what you need to create and you will find very interesting ways to accomplish those goals.
I highly suggest learning the functions for the expression editor after learning the basics. They become invaluable for more complex procedures.
Feels like lego to me.
Lego, indeed!
: )