Bug report

I don't know if here is the right location for this tópic, but i not find the right location, and the bug report area is retorning error 404 not found for me, so...
I find a bug in game salad for windows, when you change a actor who is alredy in the scene sometimes this actor disappears when you play the preview, this not happens all the time, but happens mainly after you copy and change a actor.
Thank you for your attention.
I find a bug in game salad for windows, when you change a actor who is alredy in the scene sometimes this actor disappears when you play the preview, this not happens all the time, but happens mainly after you copy and change a actor.
Thank you for your attention.
You may find that you are editing the instance and not the prototype. not sure if thats part of your issue or not but we really need more info to really help you.
And no in the from the GS-TeamSeaction is not the right place for your thread but i'll move it for you.