Working with attribute tables in Windows GS
I'm not really sure how to work with the tables in the Windows version of the client. I'm trying to update a cell in the table with an actor's position, but when I click the table in the attribute selector, it doesn't give me any indication on how to select a specific row or column. Sorry, I'm a noob taco.
Best Answer
tenrdrmer Posts: 9,934
After re reading the initial post what you want cannot be done yet in windows. The windows version does not have writeable tables.
In the future you will find the functions to access the table in the functions browser at the bottom of the backstage. You can use these now to access existing values just not edit them at this time.
Go to behaviors
Then go to Persistant
Drag it inside the actor you would like to add a constrain attribute to.
Then add the following info.
Hope that helps
Follow this tutorial to sorta get an idea on how you may add info.
Hope that helps?