Change the word "Reject" on forums?
I know it's a nit-picky thing, but is there any way to change the word "reject" on the forums when assessing answers to questions? It's just such a harsh word. I'm extremely happy someone took the time to try and help, even if they didn't answer my question accurately. Maybe the word "decline" might be a little friendlier? I'm such a wuss. :-(
While I agree with you the Rejected Answer heading over your post is very off putting to helping others I dont think it needs changed. People need to learn the system.
A thread can be in Question State, Answered State, and Accepted Answer.
If the response you got is not quite what you want or you don't understand it you don't need to reject the comment. Tag the user and ask for further info. the tag will usually get them back and the fact the main page says your thread has just been answered not accepted mean most of the helping users will still check out the thread to make sure you got what you needed.
The Rejection is meant for completely useless comments, or Spam Etc…. If a user is rejecting every answer just to keep the thread showing as a question we remove The Q&A options So I urge you to use the reject sparingly. No need to Accept if your not finished with the discussion but rejecting will likely lose your Q&A all together.
Another thing I have noticed with myself. is when I get an email my answer was accepted I am far more likely to click the link and go back to see if they asked any further questions. Where as if i'm rejected I will never be notified and your thread will just be waiting for someone else.
Well theres my 2¢
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