How about a section in the forum for tutorials?
I realize I can search and ask questions but I think a place specifically for learning this program would be incredible useful. Yes there is the "working with game salad" section but its for asking questions. Im new at this and I am struggling to see the big picture and understand how to do complex things in gamesalad. I don't get much out of the cookbook. Its far too simple and far too brief. I think if we had a section for tutorials not only would it all be in one place, but it may encourage others to write guides if they had a place to put them.
Just a thought from a newbie trying to learn and having a tough time. Simple games are no problem for me... but for things like tables, I don't see how to use them in the big picture. And yes, I have seen Tshirtbooths videos but they are no help to me yet. I don't see how to implement what he shows in his videos. I think there are only 2 types of tutorials available anywhere online. Either VERY beginner... or slightly advance to advanced. I would really like to see some transition tutorials for the beginner/intermediate users. Maybe having the tutorials section could even encourage some more start to finish tutorials. One thing that seems really out there is the expression editor. I see Tshirt booth use it a lot and some others talk about it, and while something I think oh yeah that makes sense, other times (most other times) I think, wow how would I have ever thought to think of the expression editor in that way.
Hopefully I am not alone here.
Just a thought from a newbie trying to learn and having a tough time. Simple games are no problem for me... but for things like tables, I don't see how to use them in the big picture. And yes, I have seen Tshirtbooths videos but they are no help to me yet. I don't see how to implement what he shows in his videos. I think there are only 2 types of tutorials available anywhere online. Either VERY beginner... or slightly advance to advanced. I would really like to see some transition tutorials for the beginner/intermediate users. Maybe having the tutorials section could even encourage some more start to finish tutorials. One thing that seems really out there is the expression editor. I see Tshirt booth use it a lot and some others talk about it, and while something I think oh yeah that makes sense, other times (most other times) I think, wow how would I have ever thought to think of the expression editor in that way.
Hopefully I am not alone here.
easier to use/understand >> More members >> More pro subscribers >> more money for game salad >> gamesalad becomes even better
They have the basics and then some. Is there anything your looking for specifically?
" I don't get much out of the cookbook. Its far too simple and far too brief."
reading the cookbook alone doesn't help me understand the big picture of how to do complex things. I think the tables tutorials I have found are aimed at people who understand how to use all of it already.
The tshirt and cookbook tutorials are great and everyone knows where to find them. But occasionally random people come across new techniques for doing things(like the guy with the "never use a timer again"thread), and these little gems would be easier to find under their own section.
Whether it would be a 'Tutorials' or maybe 'Tips and tricks' section.
It’s not a bug – it’s an undocumented feature
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I think it would be a good idea to have a place to post cool things you may have figured out in Game Salad. Like yesterday I have a flying saucer in my new game and I wanted to animate the lights on it.. so at first I was going to interpolate the colors but instead I cut holes out where the lights where, and placed a rotating circle of colors underneath its layer..
Looks quite cool now..
Vote 'agree' if you would like a tips and tricks section.
It’s not a bug – it’s an undocumented feature
Yes. I would really like to see tutorials on how to make games from start to finish with "project files". Project file are VERY VERY VERY important. Anyone that has made a start to finish tutorial and did not present project files to follow along, makes it very hard to have anyone actually finish their tutorial they worked so hard on. Just watching the videos and seeing what they do only goes so far. Being able to follow along with them is on a whole new level. If you don't want to give your art work that you worked so hard on, then watermark them. And I don't want to see only the really simple ones. Of course you have to crawl before you walk, but once you're ready to walk its kinda no mans land at first. How about some start to finish tutorials of all types of game that are actual quality games. Not just space invaders remakes and the like. While these are appreciated it would be nice to see how complex games are made. And again, as seeing tshirtbooth replied, he has great tutorials and I have watched nearly 70% or more of them, but they all seem like thing I need to come back to once I have a better understanding. I want to see things that lead up to that. I feel like the cookbook should be renamed to manuel. A "cook book" is a name that should be reserved for tutorials. Isn't that was tutorials are anyway? A cookbook has a connotation that sounds instruction for creating. The current Cook book just shows you, hey this feature does "this" but really doesn't show example that everyone can understand. The current cookbook is manual stuff and its beyond me why 2 separate manuals exist that cover essentially the same stuff, only one does it ever so slightly more in detail. My background is in art and radiology. It won't come as easily to me like it will some others on this board.
To name 1 topic aside from start to finish tutorials that I feel needs SUPER explanation and many examples of different uses for it? Tables, hands down. Tables can transform whatever it is you are doing. But why and how would you want to use them and why and how would you implement them? This needs very basic explanations as well as intermediate and pro tutorials.
And most if not all tutorials should be done with the beginner in mind, even if they think they are doing them for pros. Explain everything and and why you are doing it.
I think if this takes off then the quality of games that are made with game salad are going to sky rocket. This will bring a lot more interest to game salad as well.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Do you understand how much work that is? @tshirtbooth did this a while back and if I remember right he said he wouldn't do it again. Why? Because its a !@#$% load of work and after making a 14 video series most people watched the first few videos. Took his provided probject file and said to hell with the tutorial I have it all pre made for me right here. Most people won't bother with learning anything for the tutorials when the project files are provided. So no the quality of games will not increase because someone is spending more of thier free time making more stuff for nothing in return.
What will increase the quality of games is when apple pulls thier heads out of thier ass and starts rejecting te games that are absolute crap and have no business being available to the public even as a free game.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Isaac Newton said "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants".
So if everybody had this mean minded philosophy, instead of discovering the Higgs Bosun we would probably be just about discovering our arses!
It’s not a bug – it’s an undocumented feature
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
"I taught myself how to fish twenty years ago with a stick and a piece of string,good luck!"
I do know what you mean about people wanting their whole game built for them art/code and all.
But I think the more resources out there and tricks the more chance people will be able to find the answer to their question.
It’s not a bug – it’s an undocumented feature
I see the point about sharing project files though... I'd have to say I agree with @FryingBaconStudios
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I agree with most of what you say. I was playing devils advocate somewhat.
My only real point is that sometimes as I said above that people come up with some really good solutions for stuff like the timer thing and the resizing technique,which I although i'm not lazy would never have thought of.
And it would be good to have a section with this kind of stuff in it,so it doesn't get lost in the abyss.
It’s not a bug – it’s an undocumented feature
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
And no not so people can copy and paste your code. Let's be real here. You're not programming anyway so there is no code. You're just teaching them how to drag and drop. And really whats the difference? People show this in other videos. Im not telling you hey show how someone can rip your game off. Its up to you how nice of a game you teach them to make. And it doesn't have to be something that you're making money off of.
Im not trying to argue with anyone here. But why not make this more accessible to others?
Google doesn't really help. I have been on there many times and I pull the same resources as stated above. And again like I said above its all absolute beginner stuff, of stuff that's for others that have a bigger and better understanding. I feel like I keep repeating myself.
300 videos? AGAIN, repeating myself. Cookbook doesn't really help when its too brief. Tshirtbooths video's while helpful isn't the best for this situation either. Part of the problem is when you're new you don't know what you're looking for, or what videos you should be watching. A tutorial section could help point toward these video when they should be used as well.
Im shocked that this forum doesn't have a place for this from the very start. Its seems pretty basic.
There seems to be a lot of close minded ideas in this thread. To say its up to me to figure things out like tables, I agree. But why not make it easier? Im not tying to get rid of the hard work and experimenting but why point to something and say, well figure it out yourself how to use it. That's just stupid. If their are more experienced people here then help the community grow. I know that creating tutorials is a lot of work. No ones making anyone do it. No is holding a gun to your head and saying make a quality tutorial that people can actually use. Im just saying, start a section for tutorials and let it grow and let people add to to it as they see fit. I do think that the cookbook should be revised to add tutorials and not just videos that says, this does this. Show how to use them. I mean the cookbook is representing their product. For business not to make it as accessible to everyone possible is just bad business.
A tutorial section may help you pro's out as well. Maybe it will teach you a way to do something you never thought of.'
And come on, don't blame apple for the poor quality of games made. Especially when this thread is about game salad. They don't care. They just want money. I never said to increase the quality of games made on the app store. I said to increase the quality of games made with game salad. The app store is full of all different programs and all different kinds of people with all different kinds of experience. True their should be some sort of moderation but don't hold your breath.
But again, creating something our own I am all for. But to truly create something you need to understand things better. I hardly see how keeping someone from understanding fundamental concepts better, will make create something their of own. To create something quality you need to know what's at your disposal. Only then should originality come. you need functionality first. Otherwise, what's the point? I can create simple games all day long. but I have massive ideas in my head that are completely original. But i am lost as to where I would start on something like I want to create. I need functionality before I can show my originality.
But really when it comes down to it. i know a lot of people are reading these posts and saying, omg why can't he just learn like the rest of us! I am only asking for 1 thing. A tutorials section. Its simple, out of the way, and could be invaluable to everyone on this forum. It could be a place to organize all of the tutorials that already exist, and a place for everyone here to add ones that need to be added. And most of all, a place where users could really grasp the understanding of game salad.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
if I were to choose a top 3 for what needed in depth tutorials, they would be:
1. Start to finished tutorials with project files. ranging from beginning to expert.
2. tables.
3. expression.
in that order.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Firstly, a great big thank you to TShirt and all you others who have taken the time and effort to put together tips and tutorials to help others along their way. Many of these have been extremely helpful to me as I strive to learn more about GS.
Secondly, I agree with the call for more info and tutorials - not neccesarily for free, but either as an official publication by GS itself (available to Pro members for free, or non-Pro for a price?) or an unofficial publication (with the thumbs-up from GS) featuring in-depth tutorials on the many possibilities available to GS users, again, at a price.
I'm not asking for freebies, but I'd appreciate a more centralised approach to in-depth studies of the GS creator, submission procedures, provisioning profiles - the whole gamut of information required by those with a serious interest in using GS to create something special.
Thanks for listening, have a nice day!