Platformer question
so the levels for my platform game will be done in photoshop basically adding everything in there as far as the ground visuals and whatnot... in game salad i have an actor labeled ground which i am going to place in the appropriate places... my question... i am going to create about 40 levels now do all of those levels have to be imported as actors or is there something else that i can do to eliminate how many actors that i am going to be having because I'm having A LOT of actors... A LOT OF THEM LOL
Name your 40 background images 1.png 2.png 3.png and so on then simply constrain self.image to game.levelCount.
You could also use tables to store the image names and have a rule checking and going down a row for each new level.
My only concern is 40 images specially if there hi res will probably kill GS and make it crash.
After you have all your platform actors in position simply move the background actor above them in the layer to hide them or change alpha to 0.
You can have a lot of none movable actors in the scene so i wouldn't worry too much just use the one actor and change its size and angle depending on what you need.