Android - No sound fx, only music
I've just setup Rad Skater Apocalypse to run on my Android phone (Desire HD).
Finally got that all set up, and the game is now loading and running. Everything works great except there's no Sound FX.
(I'm using Game Salad Creator 0.9.92).
The music is playing great, but no sound fx at all.
On the main menu, no sounds for clicking button. On the options screen, I can turn the music right down, but nothing happens when I adjust the sound fx volume. In game, no sound fx. No sound fx anywhere.
Any ideas? I want to publish my game.
Is this a known issue from 0.9.92?
Is any of this fixed in 0.9.94?
I've been holding off from updating Game Salad, because I'm happy with 0.9.92, and wanted to put the game up before updating and potentially having to do a whole lot of bug fixes, just to get it running on 0.9.94.
PS: Also, I assume Tweet Sheets don't work on Android? Nothing happens when I press my Tweet buttons in-game.
I've just setup Rad Skater Apocalypse to run on my Android phone (Desire HD).
Finally got that all set up, and the game is now loading and running. Everything works great except there's no Sound FX.
(I'm using Game Salad Creator 0.9.92).
The music is playing great, but no sound fx at all.
On the main menu, no sounds for clicking button. On the options screen, I can turn the music right down, but nothing happens when I adjust the sound fx volume. In game, no sound fx. No sound fx anywhere.
Any ideas? I want to publish my game.
Is this a known issue from 0.9.92?
Is any of this fixed in 0.9.94?
I've been holding off from updating Game Salad, because I'm happy with 0.9.92, and wanted to put the game up before updating and potentially having to do a whole lot of bug fixes, just to get it running on 0.9.94.
PS: Also, I assume Tweet Sheets don't work on Android? Nothing happens when I press my Tweet buttons in-game.
In the change logs for 0.9.92 (which I am using), it says "Sound issues fixed for most Android devices". But this does not seem the be the case, for the Desire HD at least.
Has anyone else overcome this problem of having no Sound FX at all?
- Murray
Tried another of my games on it. Same problem. Music, but no sound.
Any ideas?
The sound issues fixed in android was related to a delay, but they always played.
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I've seen there are workarounds for that, although frankly, it seems pretty unimpressive for it not to just work.
I've published the game to App Store, and I have a 5 star rating for the game from users. No one has sound problems. And I've not noticed the problem except now that I've tried to get it running on Android.
I wish I had another Android device, but I don't. Alas!
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I'm linking to the ADB file located on my computer at...
Is that what you mean?
I believe that is what makes the sound stutter in preview mode (for some reason), so I guess it must be pointing to the right place, because my sound is stuttering when previewing on the Mac now. Heaven knows why the ADB is actually engaged while I'm just previewing on the Mac, but there you have it...
I'm really impressed that all 4 of my game projects work quite seamlessly on the Desire HD, straight away. Except... no Sound FX. Dang!
Do the Sound FX work on it?
What format are your sound fx in?
I had a similar issue, until I realised that .caf files don't work with android it seems.
just a thought.
Here we go again... When I first started using Game Salad, it took me MONTHS to stumble across the fact that CAFs were the ONLY thing that DID work. Now, they don't work on Android.
Well, anyway, that sounds like a great tip! Thanks Sparkidr. I'll try making all my sound fx OGG files from now on, and they should work on both.
- Murray
I'll try to come up with a smart way to swap all my sounds over.
Unfortunately, saving out all my CAFs and OGGs and dropping them in will not automatically replace the files. Or could I trick it by renaming all my OGGs to CAF and dropping them in?
Hmmm, could be worth a try. Otherwise I need to go through all my actors and find every time a sound is selected, and change them over manually, which is hard seeing as the sounds aren't listed by file type, so the names will be identical in the list, or empty if I delete all the CAFs out first.
Guess I could go into the XMLs and use Search function to track each one down individually.
I go to my project file, and right click, and go "Show Package Contents".
I go to the SOUNDS folder, select all my CAF files, and opened them up in an audio editor, and saved out as OGG files instead (to my working directory elsewhere on my hard disk). All my OGG files have the same filenames as the CAFs.
Now I open the project in Game Salad, and drag all the OGG files into the Sounds.
Now I save it, and close the project.
Now I go back to the project file and right click and go "Show Package Contents" again.
Now I open ASSETS.XML (for me it opens with XCode, but you could do it with any XML editor).
Now I go to the Edit menu, and select Find > Find and Replace.
I find all instances of .CAF and replace with .OGG.
This now points all my assets to the new .OGG files instead, without having to do it manually in Game Salad Creator.
Now I save ASSETS.XML and close it.
Now, while still inside the "Show Package Contents" area, I delete the CAF files out of the project.
Now I re-open the project in Game Salad, and everything works with the OGG files, which work on both iOS and Android.
- Murray
You can just...
1. "Show Package Contents" for the project, convert all CAF files to OGG files. Delete the CAFs.
2. Then open ASSETS.XML, and find/replace .caf for .ogg, save, close.
Now your projects uses the OGGs instead of the CAFs.
- Murray