Best way to reset gameplay scene from pause scene?
Hey all!
What would be the best way to reset the gameplay scene from the pause scene?
Because I am currently using the change scene to 'gameplay scene' behaviour when pressing the restart button in my pause scene, although when the gameplay scene is loaded, an animation that is suppose to happen only when an actor is pressed, happens on its own...
It's really troubling me..
What would be the best way to reset the gameplay scene from the pause scene?
Because I am currently using the change scene to 'gameplay scene' behaviour when pressing the restart button in my pause scene, although when the gameplay scene is loaded, an animation that is suppose to happen only when an actor is pressed, happens on its own...
It's really troubling me..
Best Answer
HC_DK Posts: 92
Are you using the UNPAUSE function?
What I do is when reset button is pressed, I change all of my game attributes as SCORE to 0 and so on.
When all those are set to 0 or whatever the DEFAULT STATE is, I use a CHANGE SCENE to my GAMEPLAY SCENE.
This works for me :-)
Thank you all for your awesome answers! I will play around with this information and see if I can fix my problem.
You will still have to use a change attribute to reset any game level attribute back to an original value. Doesn't matter what you use to reset your scene. And before you say But Reset scene will change a scene attribute back. So will a change scene. It works just the same.
change scene for reseting from a pause is better because you don't have a load time to unpause and then a load time to reset. You just have 1 load time.