scrollable screens - how to test?

APPlauseAPPlause Member Posts: 29
edited July 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I've got a screen that was 480 wide by 320 high. I'm trying to make it contain twice the info height-wise so I changed it's height to 640. Was that the wrong way to do it? By scrollable, does Game Salad mean the user can scroll like someone would finger-scroll or only scrollable in-game using a camera and actor? My first app is a Utility so I may be trying to use Game Salad for something it was never intended to be used for. But, it looks really versatile and since it requires no programming I thought I'd give it a whirl. I definitely have a game in mind as well but , for starters, I want something I can share with people I work with. Appreciate any help. :-) p.s. In previewing how do you make the screen scroll? And, should I have changed the Game's height to 640 as well? I only changed that scene's height.

Best Answer

  • HC_DKHC_DK Posts: 92
    Accepted Answer
    @APPlause: Scrollable Layers can be used to make a menu. Have a look at this file:

    I have two layers, Background (scrollable) and Layer 1 (not scrollable) where Layer 1 contains the buttons for the menu and the background contains "area´s".

    The buttons controls the Scene.Camera.Origin (only available when actor is placed on scene and unlocked).


  • APPlauseAPPlause Member Posts: 29
    Thanks for the help. I'll check out the file and see if I can digest it. I'm new to GS.
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