Actor sinking through floor

SpeedygamerSpeedygamer Member Posts: 3
edited July 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
My main playable actor has a rule. Rule: Condition -> If Actor Collides with Actor containing tag TERRAIN: Change Velocity to 90 degrees et 0 speed. ELSE: 270 degrees et 100 speed. Density, Friction, Constitution is 1. Ground actor Density et Friction is 1, Constitution is 0. Ground actor has no rule. I figured on collision he shouldn't... Move...At all, but he sinks slightly for some reason. Oh, and I have no scene gravity. Help?
PS: I am making salad on Windows.

Best Answer

  • tatiangtatiang Posts: 11,949
    Accepted Answer
    "I am making salad on Windows."

    If GameSalad ever enters the realm of TV advertising, I'd love for that to be the slogan. :)

    Have you tried checking Fixed Rotation and unchecking Movable on your Ground actor?

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  • SpeedygamerSpeedygamer Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2012
    Yes, on the ground actor I have simulated it on both Movable true & false. I'm not using rotation, I'll give it a whirl, but I'm pretty sure that's not it either.
    Ps, I was just being silly, but thanks for that compliment!
  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    Just to be sure, you have Fixed Rotation checked? Beyond that, I'd need to see your rules & a screenshot of your scene.

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  • SpeedygamerSpeedygamer Member Posts: 3
    I figured out the problem... On my Gravity Rule, I am using a constant velocity effect while it hasn't collided, and while I figure that once it collides, it will not accelerate, it doesn't. So I changed it to a Change Velocity. Thanks for your help Tatiang, it was helpful talking to someone.
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