Stop a platform moving help for new Bug game
Pulling my hair out over this as i've tried lots of things.
I have a scene gravity of 500 and platforms moving up ( using Move: direction 90, speed (set a variable game.speed to 30).
Now when i collect a stop icon i cant make them stop dead, they still fall but very slowly...platform Desity =500 Friction=100.
I'm using if stopPlatforms = true.
Here's a list of what i have tried.
Move 90 speed 0
Constrain X and Y
accelerate direction 90 speed 500 (counter scene gravity)
change attribute self.Physics.Moveable = false
Max speed 0 apply max speed
Move 90 speed= game.speed/game.speed (=0) and also speed-speed.
Any help as i REALLY would love to use the stop platforms power up.
If it helps the slow platforms and reverse are working fine.
Slow is game.speed/2 this works well with no problems
Reverse is Move 270 speed 200 this also works well.
I have a scene gravity of 500 and platforms moving up ( using Move: direction 90, speed (set a variable game.speed to 30).
Now when i collect a stop icon i cant make them stop dead, they still fall but very slowly...platform Desity =500 Friction=100.
I'm using if stopPlatforms = true.
Here's a list of what i have tried.
Move 90 speed 0
Constrain X and Y
accelerate direction 90 speed 500 (counter scene gravity)
change attribute self.Physics.Moveable = false
Max speed 0 apply max speed
Move 90 speed= game.speed/game.speed (=0) and also speed-speed.
Any help as i REALLY would love to use the stop platforms power up.
If it helps the slow platforms and reverse are working fine.
Slow is game.speed/2 this works well with no problems
Reverse is Move 270 speed 200 this also works well.