Reset on quit or load?
Hi Guys,
I have searched and think I already know the answer to this, but wondering if anyone has found a way around it (or an update has made the feature available?)
I want to be able to reset the game each time it is exited (or loaded). Ie, I dont want it to sit in multi-tasking and remember where you were up to when you pressed the home button. I know I can create a "reset button" but I want the app to do this itself.
Anyone know of a way?
I have searched and think I already know the answer to this, but wondering if anyone has found a way around it (or an update has made the feature available?)
I want to be able to reset the game each time it is exited (or loaded). Ie, I dont want it to sit in multi-tasking and remember where you were up to when you pressed the home button. I know I can create a "reset button" but I want the app to do this itself.
Anyone know of a way?
most apps in multiTasking … are merely in the state of a recent app … not active
with the parameters of last conditions/states stored as current
… multiTasking pauses all game/scene/actor time
of course … you can access the device's clock …
and perhaps add some rules to store current clock hours/minutes
then more complexRules for when game.Clock.Hours/Minutes > those stored values+a #
-Reset Game
but, that might wreak some havoc during gamePlay
@};- MH
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