Is it Possible to Email an Ad Hoc to an iPad?
I'm trying to email an Ad Hoc to a friends iPad for testing. I sent it as an attachment and it shows up as a Zip file. Using iZip Utility to unzip the file.... nothing happens. Has anybody ever tried this? Is there any way to email the file to an iPad?
My question still remains....
I'm still wondering if it's possible to email an app to an iPad and load it into iTunes.
It arrives on their iPad as a zipped file.
Try to unzip it using a utility (iZip) and nothing happens....
where does the file go? Can you drag it onto iTunes?
And thats what tesflights for. Its nothing like the gamesalad viewer.. It lets you upload your game to the tesflight account, then they can dirctly download it to there ipad without having to go on the computer or anything.
and, yes. I talked to Apple and there's no way to open it up on the iPad from the email appl
about Adhoc installations:To install an adhoc on an ipad you need to register the device (Device ID) in the Apple provisioning portal. You also need to send your friend a copy of the adhoc distribution certificate which they drag into iTunes.
about emailing directly to ipad: I don't know if it works directly. I've done it by sending an email through to friend's Mac. He dragged the file and certificate to iTunes and then synced.
Regardless, you must, must, must register their device and send them the adhoc distribution certificate. Try it and let us know.
TestFlight simplify the process by allowing your friend to download the app directly to the device without the need to use iTunes or even load the certificate manually, and it helps you to collect his UDID without long explanations as to how to find it.
Not sure why you concluded that it is a GS viewer for Xcode, it is not a viewer at all, you might call it an Ad Hoc distribution and installation app... and it works will all kind of apps, not just Xcode. There is no better way to distribute your app to beta users (which is what Ad Hoc is for). unless you use TestFlight...
Of course I added the certificate, that goes without saying.
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Publish your file, and zip it. Send this file to your friends email. He will un-zip it, and drag it into Xcode. I've done it before, I hope this answers your question..If I understand your question correctly.
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I use it myself when doing adhoc builds, I can remote back home and do a build, then download it to my iPad from anywhere.
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