Doodle Jump side effect

Mikv616Mikv616 Member Posts: 28
edited July 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey everybody I wanted to know how you make that doodle jump effect when the actor goes to the side it comes out in the other side. But i can't use the scene wrap because i have other actors in that scene that i don't want to be effected.

Best Answers


  • Mikv616Mikv616 Member Posts: 28
    You would need to enable the Wrap X boolean in the scene attributes.
    You see Iv'e tried that way but it messes up my other actors i want to use the way where it is with walls on the left and right and when it collides with my main actor for somehow it to come out on the other end.
  • Mikv616Mikv616 Member Posts: 28
    No because they are moving actors though so thats why I'm in this conflict if they weren't though i would of done it your way :(
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    Than Im not really sure what your trying to solve...If you wrap X than that should solve your problem.
  • Mikv616Mikv616 Member Posts: 28
    Than Im not really sure what your trying to solve...If you wrap X than that should solve your problem.
    It would be able to do the wrap the only difference is that I don't want it wrapping my other moving actors. I want to be able to do it with walls.
  • Mikv616Mikv616 Member Posts: 28
    then you'll have to track the x coordinate of the actor and when it's larger than device width + 1/2 actor width, move it to -(1/2 actor width) and vice versa.
    I understand what you wrote but up until you say move it to -(1/2 actor width) what do you mean at this part?
  • Mikv616Mikv616 Member Posts: 28
    If your actor is 100 px wide and the screen is 320px wide, if the actors x position hits 370, move it to -50. If the actor hits -50, move to 370

    This makes it look like it wraps around.
    Thanks so I would use the move to behavior for that right?
  • Mikv616Mikv616 Member Posts: 28
    Thanks :D
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