Performance question

WingmanappsWingmanapps Member Posts: 458
edited July 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello guys.

We are working on the last stages on a game and are working on optimizing the games performance. We are encountering pretty significant performance issues, especially because its a "one Scene" game so the actors and everything keeps stacking up. (So any good ideas for performance improvement are appreciated :) )

Anyway, my question. When running the game in the game salad viewer on an ipad 2, i noticed the amount of mbytes used on image sizes in the beginning of the scene was 52 mb. When playing for a while it then suddenly (sometimes) decreases to between 20-30 mb. This is a significant decrease in memory usage, but i cannot figure out when or what trickers this event. Anyone got an idea?

Best Answer

  • DanielDoeDanielDoe Posts: 307
    Accepted Answer
    In my case, size of images is always the biggest problem (also too much spawning of new actors). I use ImageOptim to reduce size of pngs (always about 50%) and that helps a lot.


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