multiple control cameras?

developer6810developer6810 Member Posts: 139
edited July 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have a main player who controls the camera and basically moves forward. The scene is like 8000 wide and he basically moves to the end. I want another button to stay on bottom right corner of the screen the entire time. How would I do that?

Best Answers

  • KodeRiter722KodeRiter722 Posts: 42
    Accepted Answer
    Place the button in a separate layer and uncheck the "Scrollable" option for that layer. Anything on a non-scrollable layer will remain on screen when the camera is moved.
  • KodeRiter722KodeRiter722 Posts: 42
    Accepted Answer
    You have to access your scene layers. When you're inside of a scene, look for the word "Inspector" in the top left the right of that is two buttons: Game and Scene. Click the "Scene" button and right below that you will see the "Layers" tab. You can add new layers by clicking the + button and rearrange things by simply clicking and dragging them. The higher on the list they are, the closer to the front layer they are. you can rearrange entire layers as well. so make sure when you create a new layer, you move the layer to the top of the list. You will see the "Scrollable" checkbox there as well. just uncheck it for your "HUD" layer (the layer you put the button in).


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