Preload Art

AcceleratedGamesAcceleratedGames Member Posts: 201
edited July 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
If preload art is supposed to save loading time, why do we have the choice not to do so?
Does unchecking preload art make scene changes slower because images have to be loaded then?

Best Answer

  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasPosts: 2,870
    Accepted Answer
    Preload art actually slows the startup of your game. It takes the time to load all the images that are checked to preload before your game starts, so sometimes it can make the difference in your game starting up within 3 seconds to starting up in 10, depending on your game. Unchecking it will let the image load when the game calls on it.

    Unchecking it will make your game start faster, but some things you may want preloaded, like animations. In my games, I uncheck preload art for everything except animations, and I have good startup times, and no graphic glitches because of loading during the game when called on.
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