Best way to handle actors animate and change image sizes + collisions
Hey guys,
Is there a correct way to handle the actor sizes for the animate and/or change image behaviors?
For example, if i have a main actor thats 1 image and his size is 250x250, the animate images should also be 250x250? Testing this seems to be required, but what if the animate need to be a bigger size? (say my actor is flapping wings) i would need to make sure my main actor is the same size of the animate images (which usually its way bigger), this causes all sort of problems specially when using collisions as i end up with a lot of wasted space from the transperench, Im rumning into this and curious if there is any workarounds or something im missing completly.
I know i can make an invisible actor and use that as a collider, please dont suggest that. The main issue isnt the collisions.
Is there a correct way to handle the actor sizes for the animate and/or change image behaviors?
For example, if i have a main actor thats 1 image and his size is 250x250, the animate images should also be 250x250? Testing this seems to be required, but what if the animate need to be a bigger size? (say my actor is flapping wings) i would need to make sure my main actor is the same size of the animate images (which usually its way bigger), this causes all sort of problems specially when using collisions as i end up with a lot of wasted space from the transperench, Im rumning into this and curious if there is any workarounds or something im missing completly.
I know i can make an invisible actor and use that as a collider, please dont suggest that. The main issue isnt the collisions.
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In the end we did go the invisible actor locked to Nom Nom's x and y self attributes and allowed the Spears, Bombs and Fruit to collide with his invisible x and y constricted actor.
Im not sure there is any other fixes for this that I know about, but if anyone has any other ideas I'm keen to hear it too.
Cheers, Dan
unless you want the hassle of defining X,Y magnitude for every collision
one small invisible actor … unlocked to constrain to mainActors
… is very efficient … for fileSize, loadTime, and FPS
even Unity uses sensors for collision