Need help with onscreen touch controls

hello. i have gamesalad windows and i am making a game where i need on screen controlls, well i have onscreen controlls but when you click move left, it will move left and not stop, same with move right, i want it so you have to hold your finger down on the move pad to move, and when you let it go, the character will stop moving, please help me thank you
Best Answer
Uninspired_Productions Posts: 39
This is a fairly easy fix..
If you go inside the actor and click on the actors attributes..
Click and open the Motion Menu - enter in a value to your max speed (i.e. 80 or 150, something like that.) and make sure Apply Max Speed is ticked.
Then click and open the Physics Menu - by default your friction value should be 3 you can adjust that up and down which will help give you a nice sliding stop.
The quicker you would like the actor to slow down the higher you make the number.
Let me know if that helps
Cheers, Dan
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Cheers, Dan