Best way to spin a wheel?
hi, i need to spin a wheel by increasing its rotations by 7.5, as this way will always land in a certain angle, this way i can have it when angle is ??? to add money, but i want it to spin if possible by dragging a finger, and depending how fast you do it to increase velocity. does some one have a demo or something,thanks
Answers it doesn't do swipe to spin but does have coding to have the wheel only stop on certain points which I think is part of what you need/want.
And this thread has some swipe to spin stuff that might help:
i had my rules to be like when angle is 0 to change money value to $1000
when =7.5 to 3000
when =15 to 4000
when -22.7 to 3000 and so on every 7.5, but now i don't get this exactly angles,right now i am thinking how to solve this problem, if you could know how please let me know. thanks