Sound Replacement - Same Name Issue?
Member Posts: 229
I have read on the Forums before that you can't just replace sound effects files (like you can with images) by naming them the same and importing them because it causes some sort of issue. Is this actually a known problem that any of you have run into? The reason I am asking is because a good chunk of my sound effects need to be revolumized, but I don't want to go through my code and change each individual sound call after I reimport the sounds. Any thoughts?
I have read on the Forums before that you can't just replace sound effects files (like you can with images) by naming them the same and importing them because it causes some sort of issue. Is this actually a known problem that any of you have run into? The reason I am asking is because a good chunk of my sound effects need to be revolumized, but I don't want to go through my code and change each individual sound call after I reimport the sounds. Any thoughts?
Hi Charlie, there was problems with replacing sounds, as well as deleting sounds, I seem to remember, back in 0.992.
I've just done a quick test for the replacement issue and it seems that the problem is still there in 0.994... basically it adds the newer version sound OK, but leaves the one you wanted to replace still there..
So I'd tread carefully, or you could get "tangled"! I think it really is best if you amend all the play sound behaviours in your Rules; this is after you've brought in your re-volumed sounds with different names.
I'd really recommend changing the name, perhaps by adding N for new at the end of the name. When you're happy it's all up and running again, delete the previous versions from the Audio Library.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Thanks for looking into that for me! I went ahead and retooled everything and replaced the sounds with new ones with new names. It didn't take as long as I expected, but regardless, I am glad I did it.