formula for multiples of 60 in "if" statement in rule?

developer6810developer6810 Member Posts: 139
edited July 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I want an autosave feature so basically I added:

timer: every 1 second, change game.SaveTime to game.SaveTime+1

rule: if ANY: game.SaveTime = (I want multiples of 60 to infinity), then SAVE


Anyone know what formula I could use to make an infinite number of "if" statements?


Best Answer

  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Posts: 1,447
    Accepted Answer
    So, if I understand correctly you want a Save Attribute to fire every 60 seconds?

    What I would do is to have it on a SceneControl actor. In that actor I would add a self attribute called Mod (or whatever you prefer) and give it a value of 0. Then I would add a rule that says:

    When attribute Mod is equal (=) to self.Time%60
    --Save Attribute

    That way you will fire the Save Attribute every 60 seconds without using any timers because you will use the default Time attribute of the actor.


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